Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just Hi.....

Congratulations Aunt Marianne! I am so happy for you to have found love again. How exciting! and to Melanie with new baby Lincoln. Brian and I were unable to attend the memorial celebration, so I missed seeing him there. I hope it was a great time for everyone. Did you guys here about my mom getting pulled over that night?! Hopefully she can laugh at it now, since I'm gossiping! I might be in trouble! LOL

Just thought I'd say hi since no one has posted anything since January. Nothing really new going on here. Just that I went back to work (and notice I'm at work right now!) Oh! our toilet leaked and ruined the bathroom floor, which led to removing the toilet and sink to replace the floor, which led to replacing the pedestal sink because Brian refused to put the old one back in, which led to new plumbing and after 3 wax rings we got the toilet back in......Does everyone's home projects snowball like ours? Ridiculous!

Anyway, I love you all and hope this message at least made one of you laugh! (mom)
